Harry Potter & Roche Court
On the 12th Of January Year 10 and 11 BTEC students travelled to London to explore how the many visual aspects of the Harry Potter movies were created and look closely at the type of professions that make these things happen.
We were fast tracked into the studios and given some freebies to take away that were great examples of the graphics created to bring the films to life. The students took notes of the specifics of costume creation, set design, latex modelling, concept design, graphics and model making which will all feed into their own work for the course.
This was much more than just a fun trip for the avid Potter fan and the practical ‘how to’ knowledge that they acquired will set them up well for forthcoming practical tasks at school.
On route we stopped at Roche Court, one of our favourite Art destinations, where our host Laura walked our students around the ever-changing sculpture park explaining the ideas, techniques and materials that make up the numerous pieces of work on display. The students were staggered by the prices and their discussions about quality and value were really impressive. This ‘high art’ experience set against the vocational understanding gleaned from the Harry Potter studios, got the students really thinking about progression in the visual arts.