Year 11 Transition Work
Teachers have compiled a list of preparation work to be completed before September. This work provides an overview of the course you will be completing and an introduction to the level of work required.
It is important that you complete transition work in the subjects you plan to study to the best of your ability as it will help bridge the gap between GCSE and A Level study.
On this page you will find a variety of resources for a wide range of Level 3 subjects (A-Levels and Level 3 BTECs).
Your teachers will require this work when they see you in September. If you are planning to study at another Sixth Form or college, your teachers there will also expect you to have completed transition work before joining them.
Please note: This transition work is one of the conditions you need to satisfy before joining the Sixth Form.
Subject Transition Work
Expand the boxes below for the transition materials.
Drawing is the fundamental building block upon which all visually artistic expression is based.
Keep drawing with whatever comes to hand…practice this skill because just like all things; if you don’t use it, you lose it. This site should give you some great ideas and what you complete will get you one step ahead before you even begin next year.
Welcome to A level biology. The attached booklet contains summary sheets, worksheets and practice questions to allow you to refresh and further develop your biological knowledge prior to commencing the course. You can complete the sections in any order but please be ready to hand in the practice questions in section A (pages 27-31), section B (pages 38-40) and section C (pages 47-50). It would also be a good idea to ensure that you are equipped with ring binders, paper, dividers etc ready to organise your A level notes. We looking forward to working with you in the next stage of your education.
Mrs Wills, Mrs Ballam
Biology at Woodroffe
Business Studies
As soon as you start the BTEC Business course, you will soon be completing work that will contribute to your final grade. Much of the course is assessed through coursework, in which you need to demonstrate a sound understanding of ‘real life’ businesses. In preparation for your first term in Y12, I would like you to start investigating and finding out more information about two businesses that we will be focusing a lot on from September.
BTEC Business Transition Tasks
Welcome to the Chemistry department, we really look forward to working with you next year. If you enjoyed GCSE Chemistry, you will love A level! The course is demanding but hugely rewarding. The transition work attached here will help you to get off to a flying start. We know that students who arrive with any shaky areas of GCSE Chemistry can find A level a challenge, so this transition work is intended to ensure you all have a firm foundation before you embark on the A level course in September. Keep in touch if you have any questions, you’ll find our contact details at the bottom of the Transition Work document.
Chemistry Transition Materials
Classical Civilisation
Hello! Welcome to Classical Civilisation at Woodroffe! I have enclosed a list of novels, books, ancient texts, and videos for you to enjoy before you begin your studies next year. The emphasis is on enjoyment – I do not expect you to read everything on this list, just dip into any books and videos that interest you.
You must bring a ringbinder / lever arch file to your first lesson, and highlighters are also a must!
Best wishes,
Mr Wickins
A Level Classical Civilisation Transition Tasks
Welcome to A’ level Drama and Theatre Studies, you have made a fantastic choice!
We use the Edexcel/Pearson exam board.
Your main transition task is to familiarise yourself with a fantastic theatre company called The Paper Birds. You will be required to use some of their ideas and methodologies when you devise your performance for Component 1 of the A’ level course. You will complete Component 1 in year 12 and it is worth 40% of the final grade. For those of you who did GCSE drama it is like your Component 1 for that. So you will devise a piece theatre and write an accompanying portfolio which analyses and evaluates the devising process and final performance. The performance is worth 10% and the portfolio is worth 30%.
A Level Drama Transition Tasks
English Language
Hello future English Language class,
Mrs Cowdrey and I are really looking forward to working with you from September. We will be starting the course by investigating the way that language is used in different ways by different people. We will explore Accent, Dialect and Gender issues. Below, please find a booklet of transition work for you to complete between now and September. In addition, please start looking out for newspaper articles which explore these topics and start collecting them. Of particular interest are articles that suggest that people have attitudes about the ways that men speak differently from women, representation of men and women and attitudes about accents and dialects. Lastly, please equip yourself with an A4 ring binder. You will be encouraged to have an exercise book for class work but will then need to write up or word process your notes to create a file of materials from which you can revise topics.
A Level English Language Transition Tasks
English Literature
Hello prospective Year 12 students. Welcome to the A Level English Literature course. Please find below some transition tasks for you to complete between now and September. You can work through the tasks in any order; however, it is a good idea to start reading from the reading list as early as possible, so that you have time to finish at least two books.
Please purchase a notebook to record your transition work, as this will be collected by one of us in September. If you wish to purchase copies of the set texts for the course, please note the ISBN numbers of the editions that we use in class.
Best wishes,
Mrs Daly and Mrs Hopton
English Literature at Woodroffe
Love Through the Ages - English literature Transition
Making the Leap - English Literature Transition
Environmental Science
Environmental Science is an interesting, and brand-new subject for you to take at A Level. It will allow you to develop the skills and knowledge to understand how our environment works and how people are changing it, be it for better or for worse!
A Level Environmental Science Transition Tasks
Extended Project
Hi all, welcome to the Extended Project Qualification. The EPQ offers you the chance to research pretty much anything you want to create a project that is unique to you. It is your opportunity to pursue something you are passionate about while acquiring invaluable skills along the way which will be useful regardless of whether you are entering the world of work or continuing to Higher Education.
To prepare for beginning the EPQ, complete the transition work explained in the attached document so that you can get off to a flying start in September.
EPQ Book - Chapters 1 & 2
EPQ Transition Work
All the best,
Miss Hamshere and Mrs Rees
We are so pleased that you have chosen French as one of your A’ Level subjects. We have put together some materials for you to work through between now and September. The main focus is on grammar revision and practice, but it would also be beneficial to watch some French films and listen to some French music. There are suggestions for films and music in the transition folder. It is also a good idea to read about current events in France, for example in newspaper articles or on the BBC News website.
We strongly recommend that you use an A4 file to keep all your transition work in, particularly grammar notes for future reference, and to help you make a good start to the course in September.
The tenses revision power points are numbered to help you work through them in a logical order.
In addition to the grammar power points, there is a huge range of interactive grammar exercises on which will help to embed your knowledge.
For vocabulary practice, search A level topics on Quizlet. You will find a list of topics that we will be covering in the transition folder.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us via our school email: or
French Transition Materials
Further Maths
Further Maths is an exciting opportunity to explore Mathematics in more detail. Focusing on both pure mathematical concepts as well as more applied areas of Mechanics and Statistics.
At Woodroffe you will be studying Edexcel Further Mathematics. The units of work are detailed below. At the end of the course you will sit four examinations; two in Core Pure Mathematics, one Further Statistics and one in Further Mechanics).
A Level Further Maths Transition Tasks
Geography is a fantastic A Level to take at Woodroffe. As well as finding out about what is going on in the world right now, you will have opportunities to visit many locations on the Jurassic Coast, take part in residential trips, listen to guest speakers, as well as becoming well-educated in the major environmental, social and geo-political issues that shape our planet.
At Woodroffe, you will be studying Edexcel Geography. The structure of the course is that you will study four units of work in Yr12 and four units of work in Yr13. You also will need to complete a project (Non-Examined Assessment – NEA) based on your own fieldwork. There are 3 exams - a physical, a human and a 'synoptic' paper, which is why this transition work emphasises the three key synoptic themes that run through our study - Key 'Players' (stakeholders), Attitudes and Action, Future and Uncertainties.
A Level Geography Transition Tasks - Part 1
A Level Geography Transition Tasks - Part 2
Drawing is the fundamental building block upon which all visually artistic expression is based.
Keep drawing with whatever comes to hand…practice this skill because just like all things; if you don’t use it, you lose it. This site should give you some great ideas and what you complete will get you one step ahead before you even begin next year.
Welcome to A Level History! In the document there are some tasks for you to get started on over the summer months which will help you to prepare for the demands of A level work. You can complete these in any order. There is also a checklist for you to record what you have done, which we’d like you to bring along to the first week of lessons.
A Level History Transition Tasks
Welcome to A-Level Law! I’m looking forward to welcoming you to the course in September. To ensure we start Year 12 able to discuss the BIG concepts of ‘Justice’ and ‘Morality’, spend some time over the summer completing the transition tasks. I’m really interested to hear about which books, blogs, podcasts or documentaries you have found interesting.
Organising your notes in September is going to be essential. Bring a ring-binder or lever-arch file as well as highlighters and post-it notes.
If you have any questions about the work, or the course, please email me (
Mrs Welzel
A Level Law Transition Tasks
Mathematics is an exciting subject at Woodroffe. A-Level Maths is an opportunity to explore, in detail, both abstract mathematical concepts as well as real life applications. Over the two-year course you will develop your problem solving and reasoning skills. Students take part in additional enrichment and challenges such as the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge and the MEI Rite Angle Challenge.
At Woodroffe you will be studying Edexcel Mathematics. The units of work are detailed below. At the end of the course you will sit three examinations; two in Pure Mathematics and one in Applied Mathematics (Statistics and Mechanics).
A Level Maths Transition Tasks
Media Studies
Through studying Media Studies students will view, evaluate and analyse a variety of media products, and develop practical skills spanning a range of media forms. You’ll study contemporary, diverse topics with varied and engaging content, helping you to develop research, problem-solving skills as well as your creativity. You’ll also refine your debating skills through the discussion of contemporary issues from a range of perspectives.
A Level Media Studies Transition Tasks
Hello all and well done for choosing A Level Music Technology, you won’t regret it!
Lots of fun things lie ahead, but I have a couple of tasks for you to complete before we start in the Autumn. Attached is a document with a written task exploring how speakers work. You will need to research the answers - sources like Sound on Sound are a great place to start. Also, start spending some time either exploring Logic if you have access to it, or having a look at some different Youtube tutorials for recording and synthesis on Logic. Musician on a Mission is a great channel to begin looking at.
Please bring your completed speakers research, with questions answered, to our first lesson. Any questions please get in touch,
Mrs Butt
A Level Music Transition Tasks
Music Technology
Hello all and well done for choosing A Level Music Technology, you won’t regret it!
Lots of fun things lie ahead, but I have a couple of tasks for you to complete before we start in the Autumn.
How speakers work – a Word document that you can type your responses into.Create a PowerPoint using the template provided on the genre of music that I have assigned to you. Look through the one on Rock ‘n’ Roll to see how it should look. You will be presenting them to the class next term.Have a great summer,
Miss Webb
A Level Music Technology Transition Tasks
Welcome to the Photography department, we really look forward to working with you next year. The following summer tasks are designed to help bridge the gap onto A Level Photography. Please remember that all of these tasks are just to get you thinking in the right way to make the best start. Don’t worry or fret over them. I look forward to discussing how you got on in September.
Mr Greenhough
Photography at Woodroffe
A Level Physics Transition Tasks
Hi all – please find below some transition work for you to complete that’ll help you hit the ground running with Politics when we start in September. There are a number of short tasks that relate to the areas of the course you’ll start off with in Year 12. You can work through them in any order you like. Alongside this we would recommend that you invest in some A4 ring binder files and dividers to start organising your notes in a helpful way.
Look forward to seeing you all,
Mr Hennessy and Mr Harding
A Level Politics Transition Tasks
Psychology is a fascinating subject and a great choice for an A Level subject. It is a social science with studies based on reliable and valid research evidence.
You will have the opportunity to repeat some of these ground-breaking studies and conduct your own research. You will have the chance to study psychology from its early first findings through the development of many different approaches through to cutting edge new research.
At Woodroffe you will be studying AQA Psychology A Level and you will study four topics in year 12 and four topics in year 13. Alongside that you’ll study six relevant approaches, biopsychology and most importantly research methods which make up nearly a third of the course.
A Level Psychology Transition Tasks
BTEC Sport Transition Tasks
Religious Studies
Hello! We’d like you to start the course with a good idea of what philosophy and ethics is all about and so we’ve come up with three tasks (and an optional extra) for you to get cracking with. These will give you a great foundation to build on in September and mean that new ideas will be easier to grasp next year because you have something to compare them to and a philosophical framework to hang things on. The tasks should also help you develop some of the skills, like critical reading of texts, which will help you next year.
All the best,
Mr Hennessy
A Level Religious Studies Transition Tasks
I am delighted that you have chosen to study A Level Sociology at The Woodroffe School. Whether you have studied at Woodroffe in the past, or you are new to the Sixth Form, you are very welcome and I look forward to working with you over the next two years.
For most, if not all of you, Sociology will be a new subject. Bearing that in mind, this pack of materials is designed to help you get a feel for the sorts of things you will be learning. The aim is to ignite your curiosity and to give you some background understanding of things you will be taught.
There are tasks that you need to complete (see the end of pack checklist), but also scope to do more if you would like. Any additional work will be beneficial, but I hope that by giving you a degree of flexibility, you can find the right balance between being well-prepared and well rested. The work outlined on the checklist should take you about 12 hours, but about half of this includes watching relevant TV programmes.
Take time to read through the whole pack carefully before beginning your tasks. Please be mindful if you have siblings in the house that the necessary viewing for some tasks is not suitable for younger children due to some of the language used and issues raised. I have included, where information is available, age guidance ratings.
I am available to answer any questions you might have, about the tasks you have been given, or about the course in general. I can be contacted by email:
I hope you enjoy your first steps into this A Level course and I look forward to seeing you soon.
A Level Sociology Transition Tasks
Mrs Rowe
Travel & Tourism
The following summer tasks are designed to develop your understanding of the world of travel and tourism, prior to starting the course. You all live in an area that depends heavily on the tourism industry, so start thinking about the impact that it has, not just on the economy but also people’s lives.
If you get a chance, visit a theme park or a tourist attraction and look at it from the point of view of both a visitor and a business. If you are going away, start becoming more aware of the customer service you receive, whether it’s in a hotel, an airport or even in a theme park.
We will be discussing a lot of the following issues throughout your time on the BTEC Travel and Tourism course, so having some prior knowledge of them will really help your progress.