The Woodroffe School

Sixth Form

Together We Succeed

Sixth Form

The Woodroffe School is a wonderful place to continue your education post 16. The curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious for our students. Besides promoting equality of access and experience, we are committed to ensuring all students excel whilst they are with us. 

High quality teaching and learning are commonplace and the range of qualifications on offer allow us to cater for personalised learning pathways specific to student aspiration, interest and future employment opportunities.

We are very proud of our students. They play a pivotal role in the school and contribute to the experiences had by our younger community members. Our programme of volunteering, both in school and the wider community, supports student applications to esteemed centres of learning post Woodroffe.

Our consistently strong academic performance helps to prepare students for both higher education and the world of work. Our formal and informal curriculum allows students to experience a wide range of learning opportunities and deepen their interest and understanding of the world around them.

Sixth Form Prospectus

Whatever your interests, there is something for you at The Woodroffe Sixth Form.

We offer a diverse and stimulating sixth form experience with endless opportunities to succeed academically, and allow students to form lifelong friendships, develop in confidence and flourish independently.

We invite all prospective students to join the Woodroffe School Sixth Form community and be part of the success.

Sixth Form Life

At the Woodroffe we have a dedicated Sixth Form team who support students during their time here, led by the Head of Sixth Form and the Sixth Form assistants. Pastoral care and academic mentoring is provided by Sixth Form tutors who meet their Sixth Form tutor group every morning during registration and offer guidance. As well as the tutors, we have a dedicated pastoral and wellbeing officer who provides extensive support to the students during their time in the Sixth Form. We also have a member of staff who is our designated Oxbridge / Early Applicant mentor and helps prepare students with their UCAS applications and interviews.

As well as the student’s individual learning plan based on their chosen subjects, Sixth Formers have a weekly PPD (Personal and Professional Development) session led by the Head of Sixth and we welcome a broad range of speakers to the school to talk with the students. Guest speakers over the past year alone have ranged from members of the armed forces and emergency services, Lawyers, Doctors, Judges, representatives from universities and apprenticeships to George Parker, Political Editor of the Financial Times. The Sixth Formers also have a weekly hour of PE where they can choose to pursue a particular sport either inside or outside of the school. In Year 13 there is also an additional weekly hour lesson timetabled with the Form Tutor to have support with UCAS, followed by a range of other workshops including: survival cooking, personal finance, living and travelling abroad and health and wellbeing.

What's the Sixth Form like at The Woodroffe School?



The school is equipped with state of the art facilities including a fitness suite, a recording studio, refurbished laboratories, a Sixth Form Library, a business suite and extensive art studios including a digital arts suite.

The Woodroffe School encourages passion and motivation in each subject area. In addition, students benefit from the Sixth Form Common Room, their own café and dedicated study areas.

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