The Woodroffe School


Together We Succeed


The press releases for our most recent GCSE and A Level results can be viewed below.

To see how we perform on the DFE Performance Tables website please visit the following link:

2023 Results

GCSE Results
 % English 4+% Maths 4+% English 5+% Maths 5+% English & Maths 4+% English & Maths 5+Dorset 201976.9%73.3%59.9%47.2%66.7%40.8%National 201976.1%70.2%60.8%49.3%64.9%43.4%Dorset 202374.2%71.2%58.1%48.3%64.9%41.3%Woodroffe 202385%77%72%53%73%50%Measure%Students achieving 8 subjects at 4+ including English & Maths63Students achieving 8 subjects at 5+ including English & Maths40Students achieving 8 subjects at 7+ including English & Maths10

Over 600,000 students received GCSE this years.
125 got grade 9 in more than 11 subjects.
1 student from Woodroffe was amongst these.
He achieved grade 9 in 11 subjects.

Post 16 Results
2023A*ABCDEUAllTotal2145766948286293%7%15%26%24%16%10%2%  Number%A*/A6623%A*-B14248%A*-C21172%A*-E28798%

Average grade = C+.

Five students are joining the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford from Woodroffe this year:

Two are studying English at OxfordOne is studying English Literature at CambridgeOne is studying Chemical Engineering at CambridgeOne is studying Philosophy at Cambridge

2022 Results

GCSE Results
Progress 8 Score0.07Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs53%Attainment 8 Score54.7EBacc APS5.14Entering EBacc77%
Post 16 Results
A Level Average ResultBAcademic Qualifications (inc. A Levels) Average ResultBApplied General Qualifications Average ResultDist-

GCSE & Post 16 Results

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