The Woodroffe School


Together We Succeed


As a school we are part of a professional working and learning environment therefore our attire should reflect this. Students are expected to arrive and leave school in full uniform as they continue to represent the school.

The Governors are of the opinion that uniform standards are very important indeed and it is their policy that students are required to be dressed according to the following lists.

All items of uniform and sportswear can be obtained at highly competitive prices in the School Shop (Tel: 01297 445435). We aim to ensure that the cost of our school uniform is reasonable and secures the best value for parents/carers. Second-hand/preloved uniforms are available. Please contact

Years 7-11 Uniform

Blazer: Traditional single-breasted, navy blue, with school badge.
Shirt: Plain white shirt, short or long sleeved, long enough to tuck in, with formal collar, buttoned to neck.
School Tie: Navy, clip-on with school badge.
Jumper/Cardigan: Plain navy V-neck with long sleeves.
Skirt: Navy tailored skirt, either straight or with pleats, knee length, no extremes.
Trousers: Grey tailored trousers that meet shoes. Flares, skinny, jeans, leggings, corduroys, or cargo style are not to be worn.
Shorts: Grey tailored and knee length. Jeans, skinny fit, corduroys, cargo style and sports shorts are not to be worn.
Tights: Black. Without holes. No coloured socks to be worn over tights.
Socks: Black.
Shoes: Smart plain black. No visible logos or air bubbles. Sports trainers, canvas shoes and boots are not to be worn.
Coats: Smart outdoor coats can be worn over blazers before/after school, during break/lunch and during movement around the site. Coats are not to be worn in classrooms. Hoodies and non-uniform jumpers are not to be worn as a replacement.

Make-Up: Limited make-up which is natural and discrete can be worn. No artificial nails. Clear/neutral nail varnish permitted.
Jewellery: 1 set of stud earrings worn in the ear lobe (piercings should be done at the start of the holiday), 1 necklace (under shirt), 1 watch/bracelet, 1 ring.
Hairstyles: Hairstyles are required to be smart and hair to be one natural colour. Extremes of colour and styles are not permitted (no shorter than Grade 2). If a beard is worn it must be kept neat, tidy, and well groomed.

PE / Games Kit

Polo Shirt: Red short sleeved.
School Games Top: Available from school shop.
Shorts or Skort: Navy blue
Socks: Red knee length games socks, white PE ankle socks
Footwear: Trainers, football boots
Protective Equipment: Shin pads, gum shield
Optional: Navy tracksuit bottoms; Navy blue ‘Woodroffe’ sport leggings available from the school shop alternative ‘sports’ leggings may be worn but they must be Navy blue; PE department hoodie.

No jewellery or earrings (including new piercings) are permitted to be worn in any PE lessons. The use of tape over earrings is not acceptable. Long hair should be tied back.

Additional information (all years)

School badges – these can be purchased from the school shop to allow for items purchased elsewhere to be logoed.

All items of uniform and sportswear can be obtained at highly competitive prices in the School Shop (Tel: 01297 445435) but, most can be purchased elsewhere. Preloved uniforms are available. For more information, contact

Should you require additional support with uniform, please contact the school.

Sixth Form Uniform

Polo Shirt: Blue school polo shirt embroidered with school crest.
Jumper: Plain dark blue jumper. Or, school hoodie with badge.
Skirt: Navy tailored skirt, either straight or with pleats, knee length, no extremes. Trousers: Grey tailored trousers that meet shoes. Flares, skinny, jeans, leggings, corduroys, or cargo style are not to be worn.
Trousers: Grey tailored trousers that meet shoes. Flares, skinny, jeans, leggings, corduroys, or cargo style are not to be worn.
Shorts: Tailored grey knee length. ‘Fashion’, skinny fit and sports shorts are not acceptable, and neither are jeans or chino styled shorts.
Tights: Black. Without holes. No coloured socks to be worn over tights.
Socks: Black. Shoes: Smart plain black/brown. No visible logos or air bubbles. Sports trainers, canvas shoes and boots are not to be worn.
Coats: Smart coats can be worn before/after school, during break/lunch and during movement around the site. Coats are not to be worn in classrooms. Hoodies and non-uniform jumpers are not to be worn as a replacement.

Make-Up: Limited make-up which is natural and discrete can be worn. No artificial nails. Clear/neutral nail varnish permitted.
Jewellery: 1 set of stud earrings worn in the ear lobe (piercings should be done at the start of the holiday), 1 necklace (under shirt), 1 watch/bracelet, 1 ring.

Sixth Form students are permitted to wear one small and unobtrusive nose stud. In the event of the latter, the Head of Sixth Form will be the arbitrator in terms of interpretation of ‘small and unobtrusive’.

If a beard is worn it must be kept neat, tidy, and well groomed.

Optional Smart Dress Friday

As role models of our community Sixth Form students are expected to dress in a smart and confident manner. Students can wear smart dress on a Friday which is appropriate for learning in a school environment and based on the principles above.

Additional information (all years)

School badges – these can be purchased from the school shop to allow for items purchased elsewhere to be logoed.

All items of uniform and sportswear can be obtained at highly competitive prices in the School Shop (Tel: 01297 445435) but, most can be purchased elsewhere. Preloved uniforms are available. For more information, contact

Should you require additional support with uniform, please contact the school.

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