Each student in Years 7 – 11 is issued with a homework diary which should be checked and signed by a parent each weekend. Tutors will inspect diaries every week and any general concerns regarding homework should be brought to the tutor’s attention.
Students will be set homework assignments in almost all subjects. Students will be set a minimum of 2 assignments per fortnight in English, Maths and Science and a minimum of 1 assignment per fortnight in other subjects. Teachers may set more as and when appropriate.
Students are also expected to spend 20 minutes a day reading, especially if in Years 7 – 9. Homework provides your children with opportunities to build upon their learning and should achieve some (or ideally all) of the following objectives:
It should consolidate your child’s learning from the lesson(s) that they have attended so that they are ready to succeed in the next lesson(s)
It should extend and deepen your child’s understanding of a specific topic or skill so that they become more proficient
It should challenge your child’s thinking and encourage them to study the subject/ practice the skill further