Staff List
Our members of staff, teaching and support, are our strongest assets. We are committed to providing our young people with an extraordinary education within a safe environment, recognising that kindness is at the heart of all positive interactions.
Our ongoing focus on excellent teaching and outstanding learning leads to excellent progress for every student irrespective of starting point.
Department Staff
See below for more information about our subject teachers. *Bold denotes Head of Department.
Mr Vine
Miss Burnett
Mr Greenhough
Mrs Harahan
Business and Travel & Tourism
Mr Banfield
Mr Holding
Mrs Adams
Mrs Keaney
Mr Loveland
Mr Lyle
Mr Poole
Mrs Coles
Mr Holding
Mr Truyens
Mr Vine
Mr Greenhough
Mr Poole
Mrs Watts
Cross-curricular Literacy
Mrs Rowe
Ms Forrester
Miss Ireland
Mr Rice
Mr Rowe
Mrs Sydenham
Design & Technology
Mrs Vincent
Mr Greenhough
Mr McCarthy
Mrs Neave
Mr Watts
Miss Smith
Miss Hughes
Mrs Butt
Mrs Booth
Mrs Cowdrey
Mrs Daly
Miss Harley
Mrs Hopton
Miss Hughes
Mr Kemp
Mr McCutcheon
Mrs Petty
Miss Smith
Mr Williams
Miss Ireland
Miss Keaney
Mrs Lemon
Mr Loveland
Mr Rowe
Mr Stanford
Miss Brown
Ms Forrester
Mr Harding
Mr Rice
Mrs Rowe
Mr Wickins
Miss Salter
Mrs Steward
Ms Choy
Miss David
Mrs Hales
Dr Lancaster
Dr Stuttaford
Miss Edmunds
Mrs Adams
Mr Boxer
Mr Hayward
Mrs Kenny
Mrs Pethybridge
Mr Poole
Ms Prince
Mr Vincent
Mrs Butt
Miss Pupaza
Social Sciences
Mrs Donnelly
Mrs Ingrams
Mrs Rowe
Physical Education
Mr Kelly
Mrs French
Mrs Howe
Mr Lyle
Ms Moses
Mr Snowling
Mr Watts
Religious Education
Mr Hennessy
Mr Harding
Mr Stanford
Mrs Sydenham
Mr Ransome Williams
Mrs Ballam
Miss Hamshere
Dr Lancaster
Mr Lee
Mr Lyle
Mr Moffat
Mr Spiller
Mrs WIlls
Support Staff
Mrs Adkin - Teaching Assistant
Mr Beavis - ICT Systems Manager
Mr Beer - Finance Assistant
Ms Blakemore - Shop Manager
Mrs Cadwell - Librarian
Mrs Challis - Pastoral Support Manager
Mrs Coles - Administrative Officer
Mr Cross - Deputy Finance Manager
Mrs Dacey - Administrative Officer (SEN)
Mr Daly - Site Manager
Mrs Evans - Food & Textiles Technician
Mr Fletcher - Assistant Site Manager
Mr Gillan - Teaching Assistant
Mr Goodrick - Data Manager
Miss Hawkes - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Heffernan - Assistant SENDCo
Mrs Hodges - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hogarth - Safeguarding Officer
Mr Holland - Teaching Assistant
Mr Hopkins - Groundsperson/Handyperson
Mrs Jopling - Cover Supervisor
Mrs Kendall - Lead Teaching Assistant
Mrs Lambert - Maths Hub Operations Manager
Mr Lockhart - Senior Science Technician
Miss Lockwood - Examinations Manager
Mrs Marmion - Sixth Form Administrator
Mrs Mattock - Admissions Administrator
Mr McCarthy - DT Technician
Mrs McStea - Receptionist
Mrs Moore - Attendance Officer
Mr Neesam - Digital Arts & Media
Mrs Newbery - Science Technician
Ms O'Hare - Administration Manager
Mrs Oldfield - Attendance Officer
Mrs Oliver - Maths Hub Administrator
Mr Parsons - Lead Teaching Assistant
Mrs Philliben - Administrative Officer (SEN)
Mrs Rattenbury - Headteacher's PA
Miss Richardson - Pastoral Support Manager
Mrs Robinson - Lead Teaching Assistant
Mr Rowe - Teaching Assistant
Mr Sammons - IT Apprentice
Mrs Simons - Art Technician
Miss Spiller - Lead Teaching Assistant
Mrs Vercoe - Business/Finance Manager
Mrs Vine - Teaching Assistant
Ms Watson - Wellbeing
Mrs Way - Science Technician
Mrs Wells - Welfare Assistant
Mrs West - Wellbeing
Mrs Wilkins - Science Technician
Miss Wills-Fuest - Teaching Assistant
Mr Wootton - Able2Cope