The Woodroffe School

Policies & Statutory Info

Together We Succeed

Policies & Statutory Info

As a maintained school we are required to publish certain documents and information about the school on our website. This page will act as a central hub for all of this information. Much of the required information can be found below, otherwise please use the menu links above.

Any documents found on our website can be provided as paper copies, please email

Government requirements

For financial transparency, the DfE now requires schools to publish on their website, various additional pieces of financial information as follows:

Schools’ benchmarking

To view more information about The Woodroffe School’s income and expenditure, please click here.

Salaries in excess of £100k

Schools are required to publish the number of salaries in excess of £100k.



Number of salaries in excess of £100k


Careers Resources, Policies and Statutory Info February 5, 2025

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