The Woodroffe School

Category: Art Trips, Events & News

Together We Succeed

Art Trips, Events & News

Year 10 London Art Trip 2023

On the 6th July we took the train from Axminster to Waterloo, to get a chance to soak up some urban culture and visit the Tate Modern and the newly refurbished National Portrait gallery. Students used the opportunity to find first hand and contextual references for their coursework project. The skies were blue, the exhibitions were great and whilst this one is always a long day, it often provides the basis for brilliant ideas that evolve over the next five months.

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Town Mill 2023

This February/March was our 24th Town Mill show and below is photo taken a few months ago of some of the students whose work featured in our very first show in 2000.

Back then we (our Sixth Form) were working with an artist in residence called Nick Evans using boat building skills learned on the seafront at our local academy to create artwork for the Town Mill show.

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London Art Trip 2023

In half term the Art department hired a minibus and drove off to London with our sixth form Art/Graphics/Photography students.

The plan was to see as much art in 48 hours as was humanly possible to help students with their ideas for the recently released exam paper, and to get the lower sixth thinking about their own thematic study which is about to begin.

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Harry Potter & Roche Court

On the 12th Of January Year 10 and 11 BTEC students travelled to London to explore how the many visual aspects of the Harry Potter movies were created and look closely at the type of professions that make these things happen.

We were fast tracked into the studios and given some freebies to take away that were great examples of the graphics created to bring the films to life. The students took notes of the specifics of costume creation, set design, latex modelling, concept design, graphics and model making which will all feed into their own work for the course.

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Life Drawing

Life drawing need not always be purely based in the human form as year 10 Graphics students discovered last week.

Whilst working on a re-branding project involving dinosaurs they were treated to a life-drawing session with a living raptor, Winnipeg the Eagle, the closest thing they could safely get to a dinosaur.

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Graffiti Wall 2022

At the start of the year, we planned to re-invigorate the graffiti wall which after more than a decade was looking a bit tired.

The new build had concealed the wall, and whilst it was given a good undercoat and the climbing holds where attached we planned the designs to fit its new, more functional purpose. These ideas came from the students with over 60 of them coming forward with climbing related themes and motifs.

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